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In now days there are wrong things with the world international system of education. You send your children to school to prepare them for the real world, which is changing very fast. But the schools haven’t change it much for hundreds of years. In fact, thought leaders around the world agree that the current system of education was designed in the industrial age., mainly to churn out factory workers. And this industrial age mentality of mass production and mass control still runs deep in schools. The problem in industrial age values is that they educate children by batches and govern their lives by ringing bells. All day long, students do nothing but follow instructions. Sit down, take out their books, turn to a page, solve problem particular number, stop talking. At school, you are rewarded for doing exactly what you are told. These are industrial age values that were really important for factory workers. Their success depended on following instructions and doing exactly what they were told. But in today’s world, you can’t go far by simply following instructions. The modern world values people who can be creative, who can communicate their ideas and collaborate with others. But your children don’t get a chance to develop such skills in a system that is based on industrial age values which is lack of autonomy and control. At school your children experience a complete lack of autonomy and control. Every minute of a child’s life is tightly controlled by the system. But in today’s world, if you are doing important work, then you are managing your own time. You are making your own decisions regarding what to do and when to do it. But life in school looks very different. The system is sending a dangerous message to your children, that they are not in charge of their own lives. They just have to follow whatever is laid down, instead of taking charge and making the most of their lives. Autonomy is incredibly important for children. It’s no wonder then that your children are bored and demotivated by school. Can you imagine how you would feel if you were told exactly what to do for every minute of your life. Other problem in schools is inauthentic learning. Most of the learning that happens in schools today is not authentic, because it relies on memorization and rote learning. The system defines a generic set of knowledge that all children must know. And then, every few months, schools measure how much has been retained by administering exams.  We know that such learning is not authentic, because most of it is gone the day after the exam. Learning can be much deeper and more authentic. It can be so much more than just memorization and retention. But, that’s the only thing schools measure and test scores are the only thing they value. This has created an extremely unhealthy culture for students, parents and teachers. Children are going through endless hours of tuitions, staying up all night memorizing useless facts that they will forget very soon. Another problem is schools is there is no room for passions and interests. In schools is an extremely standardized system, where each child must learn the same thing at the same time in the same way as everyone else. This doesn’t respect the basic fact of being human, that each of us is unique and different in our own way. We all have different passions and interests. And the key to fulfilment in life is to find your passion. But the schools of today don’t help your children find and develop their passion. There is no room in the current education system for the most important questions in a child life: ‘’What I am good at? What do I want to do in life? How do I fit into this world?” The system doesn’t care. There are so many greatly talented people who failed in the traditional school system. Fortunately, they were able to overcome these failures. But not everyone can. There is no measure for how much talent, how much potential goes unrecognized in the current system. Problem in schools is how we learn. Each of us is different in how we learn, in how much time we take to learn something and what tools and resources work best for us.  But the system has no room for such differences. So, if you are a bit slow in learning something, you are considered a failure, when all you needed was a bit more time to catch up.  Lecturing is a problem is schools. In the current system, children are lectured for more than five hours a day. But there are few big problems with lecturing. Lecturing is a fundamentally dehumanizing experience. Kids with fingers on their lips not allowed to interact with each other. Also, in any given classroom, different students are at different levels of understanding. Now, whatever the teacher does, there are bound to be students who are either bored because they are ahead, or confused because they are behind.  The system of education, which evolved in the industrial age, has become outdated and ineffective. If you want to prepare your children for the modern world, if you want learning to be effective and engaging, then there is no doubt that you need a fundamentally change of the system of education. At our 5D new earth system of education online school, we are bringing a much-needed upgrade to the education system to address new earth 5D teachings. We are the discovery and development of your passions, interests, creativity, intuition, personal, spiritual gifts and skills, you life mission, in what you are the best school. The highly innovative big picture learning framework allows us to personalise each child and adult educational journey making learning more engaging and relevant. Our new personalised annually educational system will put you in higher 5D vibrations aligned with the new Earth and will grow your being in all levels in internally and externally. You can enrol at any age and at any time during the year.

5D new earth system of education school for kids and adults

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